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Yukon 58 GS Movie

I hope you enjoy the web movie. You need Quicktime to view it. If you don't have it - you can get it free from

The movie is 6 megabytes. You'll know how your service downloads for you. If you are on a phone connection, it could take 15 minutes or more. However, at that point, you can play the movie as many times as you like. It has it's own controller strip.

Here I'm shooting the Yukon with 450 grain slugs @ a velocity of approx. 781 fps. That's about 606 fpe. I have a 510 grain slug that the Yukon also likes, and that takes the energy a good bit higher. I like this one 'cause it's extremely accurate and provides enough energy for anything I'll ever shoot... ;?)

Movie Notes: It was a pretty windy day. You'll note the wind roaring in the microphone and note the grass blowing all through the film. The wind didn't bother the Yukon's slugs in the least. You will note what sounds like an extreme delay between shooting and hitting the target. This is deceptive. The target was @ 71 yards in line with the 100 yard backer higher up the hill. The slugs went thru the 71 yard target wood (the "tick" sound), then ploughed through the dirt behind it for 20 yards or so - took off again, and slammed into the 100 yard backer for the final "thwap" sound. I drew rings around the target hole to distract the autofocus which insisted upon focusing "thru" the single hole I started the group with. You will note it worked until my shadow caused it to refocus again when I walked back over to the 71 yard target from the bench. (Don't you love the inside movie star stuff ... :?)

For all it's power ... the rifle is very smooth to shoot. Oh ... you know it went off alright ... but it's not harsh at all.

When I get another chance I'll make some big splinters for you. haha. Enjoy.
