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Theater Seven

You'll have to let the movie load. This is a longer one. You'll note the bar under the screen changes color as it loads. Click the left Icon of the control bar to play. After loading - you may play it as many times as you wish.



Had a great 100 yard range session today. You'll note (by the background noise) that I was not alone.

Everything you see here was shot at 100 yards with a brand new Tundra Magnum 45 PCP. First time at the 100 yard range. Just freshly assembled yesterday. This was a shake down cruise.

Keep in mind, as you watch, those wooden blocks are just sitting there on the ground. Not clamped in a heavy vise or anything. You could knock them over with your finger. BUT, that slug packs so much energy, that it's "Paper punched" the block before it can simply get out of the way.

All went very well. I'll shoot it in a few more times. Shortly it will be shipped to the waiting customer.

Hope you enjoy the movie